
Sunday, 5 September 2010

Shackbox Air ~ Linux Operating System for Radio Amateurs

So why Linux?  Why Shackbox Air?
The Data Operating Area Of My Amateur Radio Room ("Shack")
For those of you interested in computers and operating systems, I first started using Linux after a couple of years playing with IBM's OS2 operating system ~ way back, in computer terms, to about 1990 ..... frightening!

I started with SUSE Linux after OS2 stopped being supported (a missed opportunity by IBM, in my view  ~ just look at Apple now!), version 3 I seem to recall???  In any case, from the early 1990s I have been running Linux somewhere in the house ~ usually in more than one place.  Who said "Geek!" ??? is the latest Linux software to be tried in my "shack" (radio room) ~ which links two of my hobbies together: Amateur Radio and Computing.

Linux is far more stable than windows.  Apple know this, which is why their OS (operating system) has been developed from earlier versions of the software you can get for FREE ~ namely Linux!!  There are several 'flavours' of Linux, in much the same way as there are many car manufacturers (automobile for my American readers) .

The point about Linux, however, in all its guises, is that they all operate using the same main engine.  They may be tweaked and tuned slightly differently, with many of them looking cosmetically different (colours and the type of user interface are two examples), but they all work in a very similar fashion.  More importantly, they are all FREE !!!!

Another benefit is that older PCs can run more efficiently on Linux than they can using Windows ~ as the specification needed to run a fast and efficient Linux system is not as great as for the Windows OS family.  This means that you can breathe new life into an ageing machine, have more for your Buck so to speak, and save the planet at the same time!  A Win Win Win situation!

For me, it means that I don't have to 'tie-up' an up-to-date computer with tasks that can be easily handled by an older PC running Linux.  With all the programs being free (Open Source) and with such a great selection of written, tried and tested software available, it is just a 'no-brainer' in my book.

So that is why I use Linux in my Radio Room ("Shack"):

A Huge Collection Of Amateur Radio Software Is Already Included
Clicking On The Antenna Design Folder Shows Many Tools Available ~ Included As Standard!
There Are Plenty Of Programs Available Within The Electronics Folder As Well

This version of Linux also contains the usual 'Office', 'Graphics' and other common Linux programs.

Until next time, when I will develop the reasons why a FREE Linux OS may benefit you.


Steve Morton said...

I wasn't aware of this distro John, thanks for mentioning it, I will look in to loading it on my own 'shack' computer, which currently has Ubuntu 10.04 loaded on it.

Pedagogist said...

You are very welcome, Steve.
It is a good distro built, as it is, on Ubuntu.
Have had no problems with it here ~ so you should find it really good.
As per normal, though, I do suggest you run it as a Live DVD first! (I know it will be slower, but ......)
Let me know how you get on with it!
73 de John

nocomp said...

hi guys,
i ve created shackbox for a friend f0fyf who had difficulties installing linux, and he liked it, told me to put it in download, that s how it started.
i am currently working on upgrade, i hope it ll be ready within 2 weeks but it s hard work considering the old version it was running on. thxx for your support, stay tune!

Pedagogist said...

Great news F0FAK :-)
I will certainly take great interest when you have a version to test :-)
Vy Best 73 de G0GCQ