
Monday, 1 November 2010

Redesigned the Shack

The Shack is the name given to a Radio Amateur Operating Room.

The trouble with any working environment is that, after a few years, they get cluttered and disorganised.  In the end you just don't have an efficient working 'hobby' area.  That, dear reader, is what happened to me!  So it was time for a grand 'sort-out' and rationalisation.

So, starting from the left and working round in a clockwise direction, here is a glimpse of the shack as it is now organised:

Hand-held radios charging on the left ~ next to the Raid 2Tb Back-up NAS server. Spider-man is sitting on the main PSK/other data modes computer, next to FM radios for 2m / 70cm / 6m bands.
To the right of the picture you can see my 6m 100W amplifier, with the 6m rig to the right (underneath) & with the scanner on top of that (Marine & Airband). On top of that is an eePC Netbook on ~ for quick checks on who I am talking to worldwide.

Another view of the end of the shack. Note that the aerial cables have yet to be pinned back into position. Linux computer for surfing, etc., to the right of picture.
Between both screens is the main HF Radio & Aerial tuner (underneath). Main radio power supply is fixed on top of the dual-boot Linux & Windows 7 PC.

Top shelf shows DC Power Distribution System, 'drop-in' for SATA Hard Drives, 2m / 70cms / 4m FM radios, White BT Broadband Phone on top of aerial rotator. Handheld radios stored on right hand side. You can see through to my office PC.

Various hand-held radios & portable scanner stored. Through archway you can see my office PC running Windows 7 only.

Quad machine with 6GB of memory ~ keeps me going! Network colour laser printer just out of shot to the right of picture.

So there you have it!  A much better shack to use ~ with everything at my fingertips.

Now all I need to do is to sort out the music and video server on the other side of the house!  That's another blog for the future.

1 comment:

Matt Curtis said...

Nice and tidy John, puts my shack to shame!