
Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Long Time No Post

Crumbs! I forgot I had this blog!

Luckily, as I am about to start High Frequency (HF) mobile working as a Radio Amateur, I can use this blog as a record of my experiences ☺

I have recently joined the Worked All Britain Award Group, where I will be working HF ('Shortwave Bands') from different locations in Kent & Sussex, trying to cover as many 'squares', based on the Ordnance Survey mapping system in the UK, as I can. Some of them are quite rare - as nobody usually lives there or they are very difficult to reach.

I intend to start blogging about the equipment I will be using: the radio, the aerial, the power source and the solar power kit. I will be taking photos and videos  to show you how I get on.

Until then - Best 73 de G0GCQ


Hugh M0WYE said...
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Hugh M0WYE said...

Right - I've bookmarked the page! Hoping you'll get some good weather ... he says, as the rain lashes the window pane :-)